The Everyday Life of the Emperor: Francis Joseph and his Imperial Court by Martina Winkelhofer

The Everyday Life of the Emperor: Francis Joseph and his Imperial Court by Martina Winkelhofer

Autor:Martina Winkelhofer [Winkelhofer, Martina]
Die sprache: deu
Format: epub
Tags: Biography & Autobiography, Historical, history, Europe, Austria & Hungary
ISBN: 9783709974162
Google: 3Pd4DwAAQBAJ
Herausgeber: Haymon Verlag
veröffentlicht: 2012-05-22T23:16:11.182953+00:00

93 OMeA r121/7/1866 Ah. Schreiben vom 5. 8. 1866

94 OStA Karton 156 Zl 518/ex 1870, unfol.

95 OStA, B, Karton 144, Zl. 631/ex 1866, unfol.

96 OStA, B, Karton 144, Zl. 631/ex 1866, unfol.

97 OMeA r121/7 1866

98 Nostitz, letters, Franz Joseph to Elisabeth of 10. 8. 1866, Schönbrunn

99 OMeA r121/9/ 1866

100 OMeA r121/1/ 1867

101 OMeA r121/1 2586, 26321867

102 Bettelheim, Marie Hohenlohe, 75

103 Friedjung, Festetics Interview 27. and 28. 5. 1909

104 OMeA SR 398 vom 23. 8. 1883


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